The exact location and ways to travel to Panshet
- Panshet is a village near Pune city of Maharashtra, located approximately 180kms from Mumbai.
- By road it takes about 3 and a half hours to reach Panshet from Mumbai.
- The nearest railway station near Panshet is Pune, which is about 50kms from Mumbai.
- After getting down in Pune, you can continue your journey towards Panshet by road.
- The nearest airport to Panshet is Pune Airport.
The best time to visit Panshet is during the months of October and May when the weather is ideal for water sports.
Panshet is famous for being the water paradise. Its an ideal vacation spot for summer time!
Among the numerous things to do in Panshet, relaxing by the Panshet lakeside is the favorite among a lot of people.
If you are looking for a fun time, then you can indulge in various water sports at the Panshet amusement park.
Panshet is also a good spot for going on treks, delving into the ancient ruins, or arranging a picnic amid nature.
The Panshet lake, though not very large in size, is considered as a miniature bird sanctuary. Many bird lovers hit the lake early morning to study the birds. We suggest that you book Paradise Country.