The exact location and ways to travel to Mulshi
- The exact location and ways to travel to Mulshi
Mulshi is an administrative block in the Pune district of Maharashtra. - It is about 138kms from Mumbai.
- By road it would take around 3 hours to reach Mulshi from Mumbai.
- You can take a train from Mumbai till Panvel and from Panvel onward go by road till Mulshi.
The best time to visit Mulshi is around the monsoon season, as the monsoon mist makes the place look extremely beautiful.
Mulshi is famous for being an Eco-tourism spot in Maharashtra and also for the lake created by Mulshi Dam.
The Mulshi Dam was constructed during the year of 1920-21, and is almost 94 years old.
As an eco-tourist spot, one of the best ways to enjoy a short getaway from Mumbai is to book a stay at one of these resorts Malhar Machi A Mountain Resort or Atmantan Resort wellness retreats in this area. Accommodations in Mulshi are a visual as well as a revivifying treat for body, mind and soul. And apart from modern amenities like pool, fine dining etc, most of these luxurious stays in Mulshi also offer other facilities like spa therapies, yoga and more.