The exact location and ways to travel to Kolad
- Kolad is a village in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, it is about 117kms from Mumbai.
- By road it takes around 2 and a half hours.
- There are direct trains available from Mumbai to Kolad.
The best time to visit Kolad is from June to March. The weather is too hot in Kolad in the month of April and hence it is not advisable to visit Kolad in April.
Kolad is very famous for its white water River Rafting.
Kolad is known for river rafting. In fact, many people visit Kolad just for white water river rafting.
You can also indulge in activities like rappelling, jungle camping, kayaking, para sail, aeromodelling and many more outdoor activities.
When in Kolad you can visit places like Kundalika river, Tala fort, Kanal avenue, Tamhini falls and Kuda Caves.
You have to take a boat to reach the Kolad adventure campsite, so the adventure pretty much begins from the moment of arrival!
Famous for water sporting activities, at this best getaway from Mumbai, you could stay at this spacious hideout situated in the midst of a forest. This Resort Kundalika in Kolad is a nature lover’s paradise with well-designed & large rooms and offer numerous outdoor activities.